Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ready to go

In 24 hours we'll know for sure how and when mom will treat her cancer--likely with a short but intense burst of radiation (other methods of treatment are less likely). Talking to her tonight, she's ready to know how it will go, and ready to start. Nichole and I have to say we feel the same way, for what it's worth.

Mom's condition is fine. She's a bit sore from the surgery and struggling with a nasty head cold and (I suspect) the after-effects of the painkillers, but is feeling better each day. Thanks for all the prayers and nice comments. Not unnoteworthy, she and dad celebrated 31 years of wedded bliss today, so congratulations are in order as much as prayers.

I thought I'd tell you about a couple of things that really caught my attention this week:

Gacie's Bridal and Special Occasion, a downtown Springfield boutique owned by friend and fellow Ozark High School graduate (and Tiger Pride Band alum) Andrea Alcorn, is holding a Pretty In Pink Prom Fashion Show to benefit the Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks this Sunday, February 25, at her store at 431 S. Jefferson (that's in the Whilhoit Plaza, just south of the downtown YMCA branch). The shindig begins at 2 p.m. and the $5 entry fee will let you gander lots of great dresses and other pretty things...those of you with juniors or seniors in high school will especially want to attend. Again, it benefits BCFO, a stellar organization.

Also, I hope you'll check out a particularly moving feature by the Springfield News-Leader (I can't believe I just typed those words). It's an online slideshow and conversation with Drury University assistant women's basketball coach Trish Marsh, who I had the pleasure of interviewing multiple times when I was sports editor and then editor of the Drury Mirror from 2000-2002. Trish is fighting the fight against breast cancer, and the story (told entirely in her own words) is moving and heroic. Do check it out.

I'll be back with an update on mom's appointment tomorrow. Love to you all.



Ginny & Randy said...

OK, color me old and stupid - and definitely blog challenged. I have been searching the comments for news, not realizing with blogs that Matt was updating us on what was going on in the original notes. OK, I'm getting smarter now.

Randy and I are SO happy that the surgery went well, and that the prognosis is looking great. I know this isn't fun (my step-mother and another friend have gone through it as you know) but it is definitely beatable!! They are both with us 15 years later and free of any disease, and I know that you shall be the same.

You know that you and Curt are so special to us (Matt and Nichole are OK, too, I guess!) and you have all the prayers we can offer.
How many people can say they have been friends since they were pregnant together, when are kids are as old as they are now?? And that is what we are and always shall be.

We love you both. Be strong, and Susan - take care of yourself for a little while. It's the right thing to do now. I know Curt will be helping with that.

Besides, we have a deck and boat with your names on them for this spring/summer!!

Go with God. He shall see you through this - as will your friends and family.

Love, Ginny and Randy

Anonymous said...

My Grandfather was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few years ago. After a few hard months of surgery and radiation therepy everything got better. I'm so sorry to hear about everything though! Just thought I'd let you know you are in my thoughts.

Will Pearson

DebbyK said...

Happy Anniversary Curt and Susan!

Susan - glad that you are continuing to get stronger! I look forward to seeing each new blog entry to get an update. However, I know that your wonderful spirit and positive attitude will prevail! God is watching over you -- and know that your friends are here for you!

Winter said...

Things sound like they're heading in the best direction they could be!! Please call or email if you two need anything. I'm thinking about you!


Kate of the Hopefuls said...

I can't stop marveling at how brave Susie is.

- Wishing the best for treatment and surgery -

x Kate