Thursday, February 8, 2007

I wish to God this blog didn't exist

But, much like the Chicago Cubs (that link is no accident), this blog does exist, and it exists for my mother, Susan Melanie (Grubaugh) Lemmon. Those of you who manage find your way to this site early in "Susie's Fight" will know all about her—the kind person she is, the helpful, cheery, out-of-control sweetheart she is...the wonderful friend and mother she is. You may not know exactly why you're here.

Susan was diagnosed yesterday (February 7) with breast cancer...a very small tumor, very early in its existence. It is, however, invasive, and surgery and/or treatment will indeed be needed (we meet with the surgeon on Monday at 9:15). Honestly, I hope to God that this blog lasts about a month, that radiation and a lumpectomy and Vigilant Prayer by the Christian Women's Fellowship at Ozark Christian Church are enough to beat this. But I'm not naive—I can see many of you, veterans of the cancer, shaking your heads (this kid is sooooo disillusioned). Cancer's a bitch, tough to beat. I don't pretend otherwise; but Hope, it is a pill we all take from time to time, especially in choppy waters.

For those of you who don't know Susan, she is a 54-year-old Kindergarten teacher from Ozark, Missouri. She is short, round, sandy haired (going gray—please ma, don't hate me), prone to Christmas sweaters and hugs. On the day we found out she had cancer (Yesterday? Just yesterday?) she wore a pink shirt, pink "Find a Cure" socks, burgundy corduroy pants and a smile that only disappeared for about 15 minutes. That says everything you need to know about Susan.

Here's a quick breakdown of our family: She's been married for 31 years (on February 20) to Curt, my dad, also 54, who suffered a massive stroke in 1998. He thankfully survived and thrived, with an iron will and a soft heart, but his speech and mobility are limited. He cannot work or drive. That Susan has only gotten nicer and sweeter in the eight years since the stroke is to her credit, as well as my dad's. But this is not my dad's blog.

I am Susan's only bouncing baby boy, Matt. I'm in journalism (bolder readers may check out the fruits of my labors here), and my wife of four plus years, Nichole, is a teacher at Central High School in Springfield, Missouri. We are busy, with no children, and only a (right now) ridiculously annoying Yorkie to offer as grand-uh, dogs. This is most certainly not our blog.

Susan's parents, Neal and Betty Grubaugh, live across the street from Susan and Curt, still in the house Susan grew up in (it's all a bit Everybody Loves Raymond, yes). They are 84 and 80...something, respectively. Neither is in good health, and Susan has been their primary caretaker, especially since the onset of Parkinson's in Neal and the discovery of cancer in Betty's lung just last April, which against all odds she has survived to this point. But this is not their blog, either, though anything that brings awareness to untreatable diseases will bring them joy and (fingers tightly crossed here) some help.

My dad's mother, Geri, lives in a retirement apartment here in Springfield. She's an independent, slightly hobbled (but very healthy) woman who set aside moving to a new condo so as not to worry mom. That doesn't mean she won't move in June, but we love her for the gesture just the same. She's never owned a computer, and it's not her blog.

Susan's two brothers live on the east coast: Myron near Philadelphia and Tom near Richmond, Virginia. They would kick my ass if I tried to make this their blog. Seriously. Kick my ass.

So those are the major players. I'll try to introduce other people to you in context when they surface during Susie's Fight.

So that's the background, as if most of you didn't know. I hope this site will serve as a "home base" of sorts for all of us to talk about mom, for me to share news from the doctors, updates on her progress and maybe some photos and funny anecdotes. Mostly it's to support Susan/Mom/Mrs. Lemmon...Susie...whether she reads it or not, whether she ever even needs all the prayers that will surely be offered up to whatever gods are worshiped out there. It's here, we're here, and she's here.

Let's lift her up as she's lifted up all of us.

Leave your comments/wishes/questions below. I'll work on getting this site updated with recent photos, and hopefully a link to a worthy organization so we can donate our money—as well as our thoughts and energy—to fighting cancer.


Vanda Kay said...

Susan - you know that we love you and your family - You are in our thoughts and prayers - I am so glad that our children have found each other - Even though we only see each other on the holidays, I think of you often - This is my wake up call to not take our friendship for granted - I will make every effort to be there for you - If you need to laugh, cry, get away from it all or soak your feet in warm water I will be there for you - Remember I am only a phone call away - You are such an inspiration to me - You have weathered many storms and I know that this will just be a minor blip on the screen of life - We are kindered spirits and we understand each other more than others realize - We are pulling for you and praying for - It's a battle and I know that it will be rough, but I have the utmost confidence that you will prevail - Love you - Vanda and Dwight (Matt's in-laws)

dawn burgess said...

Hi! I am one of mrs. lemmons students and after she tld our class about your situation I immediately started crying. I will be praying for you and thinking of you. I hope your surgery and recovery go good. I will be praying for you and thinking of you always.
I hope to see you at the Relay-For-Life.
and always remember to keep your head high and never get down about the situation.
i love you and will be always thinking about you.
Mrs. lemmons student from Central High School

Kate of the Hopefuls said...
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Kate of the Hopefuls said...
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Kate of the Hopefuls said...

I tend to think that there are two raw emotions in life. The darkest of which is fear. Fear of loss, fear of pain, fear of having love taken from you.

It is in those feelings we find the moments of stunned silence. The silence among a group of people who may know each other little or not at all and the buttons in our little minds are pushed to 'support'. Support of your eloquent, loving, and brave son, support of your generous, and beautiful daughter, and support of you.

Because in this website and through these people we see you. You in your kindness, generosity, bravery and optimism.

So in that moment of silence that sweeps over a room like a tidal wave, we think on those things and on you. Our support is for you, for Matt and for Nichole.

Because out of the two raw emotions in life, the greater of these is hope.

I am a student at Central High School, and more specifically a student of your beautiful daughter.

You can count on her.

You can count on us.

- Kaitlin McAfee

To Matt and Nichole:
First off, Matt, you are loved. You are loved beyond compare by your wife, your family, and the students.

Us only children...our mothers are our stronghold. You CAN be that for her. Please believe that. I think that there is a reason our mothers make us so strong, because we are in turn to be strong for them. If faith in nothing else have faith in that. That she has taught you to be strong.

Mrs. Lemmon, ever since Nashville I've really come to like something in you. It took awhile for me to put my finger on it but in recent days I have. I adore your compassion. I believe it is that compassion that will keep your husband strong and Lord knows I don't have to tell you that you are exactly what he needs right now.

Let's put it this way, you two have got an entire school and then some.

Your mother isn't going anywhere.

Have hope.

With Love,


brandon said...

susan (and family)-
My name is brandon looney.I am also one of mrs. lemmons students. (But in a different class though) When mrs.lemmon told our class about your situation, not only me but every one in the room was shocked. Because she said the dreded word....."CANCER". It hurts to find out that some one you know or even love has cancer, but I can't hardly even imagin how you must feel.
Your story relates to my aunts story, she also has cancer. She now lives in FT. SCOTT,KANSAS. She was alao a loving, caring, mother, grandmother, and aunt too. When "CANCER" snuck up on her. For a while she went through kemo-therapy and lost the long beautiful brown hair. All she could say was "Why Me", but we prayed and had faith in GOD that he would come through, and he did. She is a 50(plus) strong women with a large ambision, and determination that she can make it.But then she found god, he gave her the strength to carry on. Now she is stronger than she has ever been, (with a little old cancer, and her hair). God has made a way 4 her so, he can do the same 4 you!!!!!!!!!!!!! -"GOD BLESS"

Johnny Blas said...

My Name is Johnny, I am one of Nicholes students and on certain days (Tuesday and Thursday) I have her three times in a row. I know how it feels to have someone close to you be diagnosed with cancer so I know a little bit about what everyone around you is going through. When she told my class (the first on i was in) I was shocked because her face was red from crying and it takes alot for her to cry. So we all knew something was up, well when she told us I got a lump in my throught because you hate hearing someone has cancer even if you havent met the person! I was able to hold back tears the first time she told us but when she told my second class I have with her I started to tear up because seeing her sad face made you want to cry. When she told my other class I had to leave the room, I was in the other room with two of my friends who had already heard and I shed some tears for you. If it wasn't for all the support from Mrs. Lemmons Students (Her Childeren) and everyone around her she probably would have been crying non stop that entire day. I want you to know that you are in my prayers and that Im praying that everything will go smoothly through out this transition.

Cali said...

Susan, Matt, Nichole and family,

I'm a student of Central as are many of the commenters here. While I'm not a student of Nichole, I have friends who are and I've heard so many nice things. I want you to know that I'm praying for you, and you've been in my thoughts since I've heard of Susan's struggle. As Brandon said, God can, and will help you all through this. Just remember to pray, and He will listen.

Alot of love, and plenty of prayers,
Cali Thompson
9th grader.

Susan of Susie's Fight said...

Thank you so much everyone! I am totally humbled and amazed and promise to keep in close touch. Vanda, call me! We'll know more after Monday and you are definitely on my list...the good one that is! Students of our dear Nichole, you are so totally awesome! I hope that isn't too outdated to say but I really mean it. I feel your love and compassion and will use it for good. Matt and Nichole, I can only say I love you and thank you sosososo much. I will keep in touch and forward this blog (P.S. this is my first time to ever blog so I hope I do it OK) to all my friends and family. God bless, everyone. xoxo Susan of Susie's Fight

Sharon said...

What a neat kid you have to help share your journey to healing! Martha told me your news at lunch yesterday and you know my prayers are with you. Curt here is just one more chance for you once again to show us what a hero you are as you support Susan through this.

Matt, thanks for helping your mom communicate with people who really care.

Susan, our prayers are surrounding you.

Love you,

Kate of the Hopefuls said...

Well, Susie, if it makes you feel any better in regard to blogging skills, you've gotten farther than a lot of adults :)

- K

Bonnie Cadwell said...

We love you, Susie, and we know God loves you. I had breast cancer years ago and I know you will beat this and get on with your life.We will be praying for you at our church, the Woodlands Christian Church that you knew as Central Christian. Love, Bonnie Cadwell

Debbie said...

Dear Sweet Wonderful Cuz Susan!

Remember as little girls at Grandma Grubaugh's house how we would play dress up and pretend to be grown up ladies. Then there were the times at Aunt Clarice's house that we would deck ourselves out in all of her jewelry (we thought she had more jewelry than anyone in the world and in reality she probably DID!!!) and we would sit in front of her great big mirror admiring our finery, and again, pretend to be all grown up as beautiful ladies.
Then there were all the times we tried to explain to people how we were really second cousins. I don't think we totally figured it out until we became those grown up ladies that even though I was six months older than you, you were Grubaugh grandchild number 5 and I was Grubaugh great grandchild number 1 .. same age, just different generations. Those were great days for you, Di, Linda, Donna, and me!
Well, now we have become those real grown up ladies with three of us turning double nickels this year ... and I must admit there are days it would be fun to dress up like little girls and go back in time to those more simple days ... days without problems and worries and all those bumps in the road that makes us stop and catch our breath and wonder why?!?!?
But God has a plan ... and since we can't go back ... and we really wouldn't even if we could ... we march forward ... full steam ahead ... on whatever path God's plan takes us through ... whatever stormy sea or firey desert we must cross, for we know eventually there will be a high mountain with an incredible vista that will make the struggle worthwhile.
How grateful we all are for the Grubaugh family genes! That very strong family that sticks together no matter what. We are strong people who weather adversity with the strength and peace that only God can give. You have faced valleys before and come out on top of the mountain. I have no doubt in my mind, and nothing less than absolute total peace in my heart, that you will come out on top of this valley, too.
Day or night, thick or thin, cousins stick together ... and we are here for you for whatever you need! We love you Sweetie! And our prayers are surronding you with love and hope and faith and healing! Heck, with my dad smiling down on you, you can't help but get well! (He always did love you and your mom in a special sort of ornery way.)
May prayers shower down on you and give you peace and contentment. I know you'll keep on smiling ... God's in your heart and He'll see you through.
Let's get together soon ... and dress up ... and go out on the town ... like grown up ladies ... and eat ice cream like kids.
Love forever and for always to you dear cousin! Deb

P.S. God bless those great Central Students! Makes me proud to work for the district!!!

Sara said...

Dearest Camping Buddy Susan,

I sit here speechless; that in itself is hard to believe isn't it? I hate to hear this news and I hate for you to face this. You know you're not alone because you have such a supportive network of family and friends. I know you have a strong will and even stronger belief in God.

I remember and cherish the weeks we spent counseling at church camp, oh so many years ago. Just how did our friendship began anyway? Even though we don't see each other often, and one of us keeps in touch better than the other :), I consider you one of my special long time friends.

Know that many prayers will be said and many tears will be shed for you and your fight.

Hang in there Susan. We're all pulling for you. God bless you and your family.

Sara Compton

Marla said...

We met on mats in the 1st grade, and went through school together. We raised our sons, and became tangled in our lives--until this year when we were reunited through high school reunion planning. How great it was to see you again, and see that bubbly, vibrant, positive, funny little girl I remembered from our younger days. God brought you back into my life as a gift.
Every year I enter the Race for the Cure. The bad part--there's always another name I add to my shirt. The good part--the survivor list is a lot longer. You can beat it!!!
I will pray for you, asking God to give you the determination you need to move through the days that will be challenging.
PLEASE call me, blog me, email me, if you want to talk--I'm really good at it! Sometimes that's what helps. I'm here for you.

Love ya,

P.S.--You have an awesome son. This is a great idea.

DebbyK said...

Susan --

What a wonderful son you have to create this site for all of us to send you our love and support!

I'll be praying for you. You have always had such a positive, inspirational attitude! I'm so glad we got to reconnect at the reunion last fall.

I've never blogged before either but think that you and I are doing a pretty good job for old fogies!

Linda Ann said...

Susan I am so glad there is a way to "talk" without a phone. I have thought about you so much this week and I knew you needed to be with Neal,Betty, Matt and Curt. I am also glad there are others already aware of the situation. You know the family will always be there and your mom and dad will be watched after well. You take care of YOU now. YOU ARE LOVED.

mohamed_12 said...

Susan and Family-
Hi this is Mohamed, when Mrs. Lemmon told us what happened I was very upset. I remembered my mom's uncle who had died from cancer. I understand how it feels and I hope that Susan gets through this.

Enjoy life while you can

Mohamed Abdelhakiem

Judy Dollarhite said...

I was so sorry to hear about yet another hurdle thrown into your path. You must be getting a work out with all that is going on in your life. I don't see you often, but I do think of you often, hoping and praying things are working out for you. I know Neal and Betty are so lucky to have you keeping watch over them, as well as Curt. At any time your name comes up in a conversation, it always follows with comments such as: 'Oh, Susan is such an awesome teacher!' or 'she's so much fun and always upbeat, I just love her so much!' I've never seen you without a smile on your face.

Although we aren't really related, you never treated me as such. At any of the Grubaugh functions where we would run into each other, you always were so sweet and kind. You have a ton of people praying and pulling for you, but you know that already. Matt interviewed me a few years ago in a feature of our store for the paper. I hadn't seen him since him as a little boy, but what a fine young man the two of you have raised. I know you are so proud of him, but it is apparent from reading the blogs, he's proud of you as well. God, family, and friends are blessings you are being soaked with (the very stuff that kills cancer). I truly believe in my heart you will be fine in no time.

What a fabulous idea Matt had to create this blog to keep us posted and allow a way to support you without driving you crazy with phone calls.

Hugs and prayers,
Judy (Seaton) Dollarhite

Anonymous said...

Susan, Cousin Debbie shared this with me, and although we haven't been in touch in some MANY years, I think about you all often, and I will keep you in my thoughts even more so now. You've done a great job with Matt, this blog is a wonderful tribute of his love and respect for you. Hang in there, and know that your Kansas City family is rooting for you!

Shawna, Alex (9) & Christopher (4)

farmerscotty said...

Well, While we are all upset (for lack of a better term). If I know anyone that come overcome an obstacle it would be you Susan. I have never not seen a smile on your face, and a "I can do" attitude. So with that we will follow along and pray for you as that is one of the best things we can do. No doubt in my mind that as with everything else you have attacked, that you will win yet another battle. I think we all (at our ages) have learned that when life throws us a curve we learn from it and become stronger because of that curve ball! This is another journey that will have it dips and downs along the way, but in the end it will have made you a stronger and wiser person. If you need us for anything we are here........give us a call.

Scott and Tracey.

Anonymous said...

Im one of Mrs. Lemmon students Brittany Holloway and she is also my cheerleading coach when she told our class about your situation she had all of us shocked and she couldnt keep tears from running down her face. Cancer is a very touchy situation and is hard to deal with but from what I hear you sound like a fighter and you have a lot of support from friends and family that im pretty sure you're going to be able to fight your way through this all everyone has to do is to put there faith and trust in God and he will come through. My grandma is a survivor of breast cancer and she is now 89 years old God works in mysterious ways and delivered her from cancer and he can do the same for you cause when praises go up blessings come down.
Ill be thinking of you and praying that you come out this fight as a winner God bless you
with love,

jeremiahgideon said...

Matt, Susan, Curt, Nichole, and the Yorkie:

My thoughts and prayers are with you now more than ever. I wish this message would have came to me as good news, rather than bad. None the less, I am glad it came. Because now I can stand with you all. I may not be close by (but only one state away), and I may not have been as close of a friend as I once was. But you all are in the same place now as you where then and that is in my heart. I have never met a better family. From Neil and Betty all the way to Matt and Nichole. You are the best. The greatest memories I have of high school, I share with you because you were there and were a part of them. Now let me return the favor. Anything you need, you can have from me. It is the least I can do.

Susan....what can I say. You are a trooper. If anyone can beat this, you can. You are way too strong and too close to God to let this little bump slow you down. You have been through a lot and do so much for so many people. I know you can handle this one with a smile. As I said before, I will stand strong for you. By the way, give Curt a big hug for me. Good luck and may God bless you with a miracle through all of this.

Matt....You are awesome! Your blog is great. You have developed into a great writer. I knew you would, I just didn't know where it would be. I know we haven't communcated as effectively as we once did, or we are capable of, but regardless I am here for you. You were like a brother to me. are my brother. Through God and in my heart you are. I am here for you. I know this has to be a hard pill to swallow for you....especially since it happened to your angellic mother. She is strong. Your faith is strong. The faith in your friends and family is strong. She will prevail. We serve a big God and he won't let us down. I know I am preaching to the choir, but it is good for us to hear those things every once in awhile. You have a great wife and a great family. If you need support outside of that, please don't hesitate to ask. I am here for you and I will be praying for you.

Nichole.....You rock! I haven't had the opportunity to spend as much time with you as I want to, but I can already tell that you are great. Take care of Matt. He needs you. I am sure you know that and I am even more sure you are there for him. I will pray for you too. I know it is hard to focus all of your energy into this fight, and also have to go to work the next day. I hope to spend more time with you soon. Keep up the good work.

I love you all. As I said earlier, you have impacted my life in a great way, and I am forever grateful. Again, if I can do anything at all, please let me know. In the meantime, you have my prayers.

Take care and God bless.

Myron said...

Susan, you are one of the constants in my life, and you have been for all of my 50+ years. I wish I was there to be able to physically do things for you, to help out when you need it. But, I'm not. Unfortunately, being 1200 miles away, in Philly, doesn't make it easy to zip home.

From fighting with you (you had those damned fingernails that left scars on my arms) when we were little, to looking forward to the sanity and sanctuary of your house when I come home to visit, you are a huge presence in my heart and my life. I know that you will continue to be my "big" sister, long after this blip on the radar screen has disappeared.

You've always been the sunshiny, "happy" one in the family. Sometimes, irritatingly so! :-)
But, now that you need it, your happy, positive attitude will serve you in good stead.

It won't do you any good to ask God why this was allowed to occur. There is no reason for why this happened. All I know is that you will get through this, with the help of all of us (family and friends), the strength you have from the good Grubaugh and McCracken genes we carry, and your faith in, and added strength from, the good Lord above. You will survive this, and you WILL thrive as a result of these trials and tribulations. Of that, I have no doubt.

You will be in my thoughts and my prayers doubly every day now, as you and Curt are already remembered every day. Both of you know what it means to face adversity. Your strength and commitment to each other from before will serve you both well in the days, weeks, and years to come!

Uhmmm....this is pretty long. Actually, ridiculously long. Matt may come and kick my ass for hogging all the space!

So, I'll close by saying that I love you. You are one of the best people I know, and I am very lucky to have you in my life.


Karen said...

Susan, Curt, Matt and Nichole,

I've been "Kaysi's Mom" for even longer than I've known Susan and all of you, but only by about 6 years... Susan has always been one of the shining stars in my life and in the Ozark schools; she was that smile and encouraging hug when I needed it during some of those difficult days we all have in life. She never failed to be kind, thoughtful and understanding.

I was devastated by the news, but secure in the knowledge that her family and friends are legion and eager to do all that she will allow to be of any help- count me in that number!

Susan's courage and faith will carry her through this time, and some day we will sit beside one another at some "home for (re)tired teachers" and grin together about all the kids we had and the joy we took to our hearts from each of them.

As it is, our own kids grew up together, friends forever; and I am grateful for God's generosity in allowing me to be reminded of the good people He put in my life.

God's blessings and my prayers to all of you,

cheery_keari09 said...
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cheery_keari09 said...

my name is kearstain i am one of ms.lemmons students and also a cheerleader on her squad!we all have heard nothing but wonderful things about you!!!cancer is something that hurts but is something that can make you stronger.God wouldnt give YOU anything that you could not handle keep that in mind and remember it has to rain before the rainbow comes!!!

cheery_keari09 said...

Much of the beauty we find in nature
Appears as the result of dramatic changes

Glaciers carved out majestic mountain ranges
Volcanoes produced breathtaking beaches and
Thunderstorms return precious moisture to the earth

Even fruit trees must sometimes be severely pruned
In order to make them stronger and more productive

So too it might be God's plan for us
to experience dramatic changes in our lives
In order to become the people He intends us to be

Susie,if your life is being "pruned" now,
although it is painful,
it just may be God's way of making you stronger

I wish you strength to accept the challenge and
God's gentle love to guide you

drew said...

hello -

i am also one of nichole's students, and stopped by to give my support.

both my grandpa and uncle have had cancer, and both of them have gotten through it and are quite healthy today.

many people are thinking of you for realay for life at central. =]

have a happy anniversary tuesday, too.

-drew s

megan said...

Susan,just a note to let you know we are praying for you and to thank you, you where such a good teacher to Tyler and are always upbeat to the girls at church when i am having a hard day and can't find the strength and for that i am so grateful. So know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and we Love you and yes we need you so hang in there. God has great plans for you.

Amy Cory said...

Susan - I love you very much and Mark and I are encouraged by the latest news. We are praying for you each day. I just keep thinking about your lovely smile and I hope you never lose it. Your a wonderful person and we are truly blessed to have you in our lives. Love, Amy & Mark

Matt - This is a wonderful thing you are doing for your mom. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you as well. God Bless, Amy

Marla said...

Just me checking in again to let you know I'm thinking of you.
It was great seeing you at dinner. You looked great!
Take care & call if you need ANYTHING. I'm right down the road.
Love ya--prayers and hugs,