Hey everyone. Sorry for the depth and length of the first post. It pretty much violated very rule of good blogging that I've learned in my journalism career, but I thought the full picture was important.
As you see, I was able to add a photo! It's not the best picture (smile dad, sheesh!) or, from Christmas 2005, the most recent, either. But it's all I had on my computer. More to come.
Thank you (from Susan as well, if you haven't read through all the comments, hers is about halfway down) for your wishes and participation so far. I know the community will continue to grow. It's quickly become clear to me that this will be place for everyone to share their experiences with cancer--as well as their support for mom--and that's perfect. I'll try to keep the content fresh, interesting and, ahem, brief when possible.
On to the useful portion of today's post: There are lots of businesses and local organizations that raise money and awareness of breast cancer, including:
The Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks: BCFO was founded by Mary Beth O'Reilly here in Springfield, and is one of the Ozarks most successful local charities. You can read their website, which is flush with support groups, interesting links and fundraising opportunities, at bcfo.org.
Cancer101 is a not-f0r-profit I came across in the latest issue of New York magazine. It's got all sorts of helpful tips and, while not a local group, has some big-time sponsorship clout. Boo-yeah!
The American Cancer Society's Relay for Life is, of course, the most well-known cancer fundraiser. Susan has participated in this for years (her mother is a survivor) and now has extra reason to walk some laps. One Central High School Relay team, made up of Nichole's students, has already adopted her as their "name." More on this as details emerge. Those kids, they love their Mrs. Lemmons!
For those into viral networking (it's not as dirty as it sounds), there's a Facebook group already formed in support of Susan (those Central kids again:-) You'll have to search for it, but those of you who know how will find it, I'm sure.
Kaldi's Coffeehouse in Springfield (900 E. Battlefield Rd., 417-881-5466) sells bags of coffee and mugs that benefit breast cancer research (as evidence by the pink ribbons...at least I think it's not for Valentine's Day). Either way, the coffee is delish.
That's all for now. If any of you know other groups or places to support breast cancer research, do let me know by commenting below. I'd love to get those groups active in this blog, at least as commenters/guest contributors.
And, as always, notes of support for Susan can be left as comments, as well. I'm also interested in your personal stories--everyone has been touched by this disease (the boobie kind or otherwise), and this is a place to share. If you would rather send me an e-mail than leave a comment, just send it to matthew.lemmon@gmail.com.
Love to all!
I'm glad to finally see a face :)
As far as Relay goes if anyone has any questions about how to get involved you can send me (Kaitlin McAfee) an e-mail at: kate72790@mugglenet.com
or call 833-9027
Also the direct link to the Facebook group:
(Hopefully that works so you won't have to search a bunch.)
Looking forward to updates, (that hopefully won't be necessary soon.)
- Kate
Hi Susan!
Good luck on Friday. Our thoughts and prayers are with you even though we're so far away.
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