Saturday, March 3, 2007

Weekend Update

First and most importantly, mom is 80 percent of the way done with her radiation treatments. Woo-hoo! Tiredness has really been the only side effect, that and the fact that the hole in her side is getting a bit irritating. She feels extremely fortunate, as do we.

I need to give a HUGE shout-out to three people who have helped mom with day-to-day care of her catheter site: since it's under her arm and requires a significant amount of tape to bandage up, mom can't do it herself. All of them are nurses and friends, and Nichole and I appreciate their time as much as mom does.

Janet Gasper is a church friend with wonderful family. She lives in Ozark and has been a big help with evening changes.

Cheryl Sisco (apologies if the spelling is incorrect!) is a longtime friend of mom's (also with a wonderful family) from Ozark East Elementary.

Lisa Massey-Brown is a friend of the family, as well as the Preacher's Wife :) Naturally, she has a wonderful family, too.

THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR TIME AND FRIENDSHIP! Nichole and I have gladly been handling the driving, but these evening and weekend bandage changings have been a godsend.

Finally, my magazine did an interview a couple of months ago with Ellen Hammock, executive director of the Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks. It's a little silly, but she had some great things to say about breast cancer in younger women. Please click here if you have the time and inclination.

Have a great weekend everybody! Update coming on Monday, if not before.

And because the title of this post humors me, here's a link to a YouTube video of the best of Weekend Update (starring Tina Fey--back when Saturday Night Live had talented people in the cast...)


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