Almost as quickly as they came, mom's MammoSite radiation treatments are finished. The balloon and catheter have been removed from her lumpectomy cavity, replaced by a large bandage. Next week Dr. Buckner will look at the results and the radiologist will follow up a few weeks later. And then, the good lord willing and the creek don't rise, she is done (except for more-frequent mammograms and checkups for the next five years).
This is as good a time as any to say THANK YOU to all of the family, friends, strangers survivors, victims and hopefuls out there who inspired us and prayed for us and helped us through this hellish (yet somewhat amazing) month. Of course we don't know if we're out of the woods--you never really are completely out of the woods, not with cancer, but to complete radiation so successfully is indeed a good feeling, and reason for hope.
I will keep you updated on mom's condition (today: fatigued but energetic--only my mother can pull off that paradox) and to news/events regarding breast cancer and cancer in general. A group of Central High School students are planning a Lemmon Aid team for the Springfield high schools' Relay For Life this spring, so I'll let you know all about that.
Thank you again. We couldn't be beating this without you.