Saturday, February 17, 2007

Don't worry, be happy!

Sincerest apologies if you were checking in last night to find out how mom did. After getting up at 5:15 and spending a solid (and somewhat stressful) 12 hours at the hospital, it was time to get mom settled and ultimately crash when we got back to Ozark. But, as clearly demonstrated by Biscuit, my parents' overly relaxed dog, there wasn't a lot to get super-uptight about.

As this guy would say, yesterday's lumpectomy/sentinal node biopsy was a "Great Success, yes!" Dr. Buckner says mom did beautifully, that her lymph system looks clean (they're still waiting on some pathology tests) and that the tumor was as contained as he expected. We'll discuss treatment at our appointment on Wednesday, but as of now there's zero reason to think this is still anything other than the best-case-scenario. "Dr. Buckner is greatest man doc in profession of medicine in U-S and A!" Okay, enough with the Borat references.

Mom is doing very well as of this morning. She's up and sitting in the living room. She's a bit sore and still on the pain pills, but she's eating whatever she feels like and is extremely positive about things. Dad is great (he slept in the living room--we both dozed off on this movie).

Thanks for all the prayers, calls, nice comments and good thoughts. This fight isn't over, but this was a big, big hurdle. We know (99 percent) what we're treating, and THAT part of the fight could begin within the week.

Love to you all,



Kate of the Hopefuls said...

I'm glad to hear everything went okay. Like you said, the biggest part is out of the way. (not only that but it went really well)

Stuff like this gives people reason to be hopeful.

- Kate (of Hopefuls) :)

Linda Ann said...

Was glad to see you all today and hope everything continues well. See you later. Love...

Debbie said...

We all love you and are so happy your news is good! What a tremendous answer to prayer!!! This is cause for great rejoicing! Time now for rest and letting others care for you. I'll be calling to see what you need ... be ready with a list!
Love you cuz!!!!!

DebbyK said...

So thankful that things went so well! We will continue to lift you up in prayer.

Vanda Kay said...

Good morning Susan-

Call me when you are awake - I'm afraid to call and you might be resting - I'm praying for you - The dogs look great - Are you and Curt ready for Daytona today? - Shall we make a predicition - Ain't it great to be a red-neck?

Love you