Sunday, July 1, 2007

Three months later...

I don't know how often many of you read this blog regularly anymore--I've done a piss poor job of updating it since the official treatment ended. Of course we all know that just because active treatment ceases, the fight with cancer continues--at least in until, years later, the docs give you an all-clear. Mom's no different.

But she is feeling better, and celebrating her success. A big moment came in April, when she walked her first Survivor's Lap at a Relay For Life, this one the Springfield Public Schools teen event at Glendale High School. A group of Central High School students had adopted mom as their "champion," called themselves Lemmon-Aid, had T-shirts made, etc. It was all quite moving, and as you all know Susan, I think she was bit embarassed by all the fuss (in a good way). It was a wonderful night, as Nichole and I walked on either side of her.

Fast forward to July. July 18 is he first real doctor's visit since her treatment. We'll know a lot more about how it went then. Pray for the best, pray for a cure, and we hope you all remain as healthy and blessed as we are.

Also, coming soon, check out my personal blog. I'll post an update as soon as I can. I'm currently training for a marathon, October 21 in San Francisco, and I'm going to document my last four months of training--plus observations on life and the other stuff. I could do it here, but as I said in my first post here, this is not my blog, it's mom's. And she wishes you all the best

Matt--11:48 a.m.